Liisa Galea
University of British Columbia
Liisa Galea is a Professor in Psychology, DMCBH member, Health Advisor to VPRI at UBC, and a Scientific Advisor at WHRI (Women’s Health Research Institute). She leads the Women’s Health Research Cluster (>300 members worldwide). The main goal of her research is to improve brain health for women and men by examining the influence of sex and sex hormones on normal and diseased brain states such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Galea is a Distinguished University Scholar, NSERC Discovery Accelerator Award (2x), and Vancouver YWCA Women of Distinction award winner. She has given >60 international talks. She is a Fellow at International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS) and the Kavli Foundation. She has outstanding metrics (H index=61, >170 papers, >10000 citations). Dr. Galea is the chief editor of Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology (IF8.606) and the President-elect of Organization for the Study of Sex Differences. She serves on advisory boards provincially (UBC (Centre for Brain Health, Institute of Mental Health, UBC Health), BC Support Unit), nationally (CIHR (University Delegates Executive Committee), Canadian Organisation for Sex and Gender Research), and internationally (Steroids and Nervous System (Italy), Alzheimer’s Association). Liisa serves/served on editorial boards (Hormones and Behavior, Endocrinology, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Neuroscience, eNeuro), committees (EDI, Awards, Advocacy for national and international societies) and peer review panels (NIH, Wellcome Trust, CIHR, Brain Canada, NSERC).
estrogens, stress, pregnancy, hippocampus, neurogenesis, neuroinflammation, sex differences, cognition